Grab a chance to create a better world by providing gift of education.

Be the changemaker!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions here.

We are the World’s First Digital School

We provide global curriculum from K-5 and lots of extra-curricular learning

Self-motivating game-based learning platform

Free education for underprivilege kids

For every $3 the sponsors spend we educate and provide report also

Most effective and innovative way to sponsor education

Proper utilization of funds

    Parents of underprivilege children will download the game

    Sign up for their respective grade

    Apply for free education in game

    Child will get register and appear on our website as a beneficiary

    Sponsorer can choose beneficiary from the list and pay

    After payment email will be sent to child's parent

    After one month, reminder will be sent along with the report card.

    If child performs well sponsor can pay for next month

    Free education from a kind sponsorer

    Access to the new era of education

    Opportunity to learn in an interactive & challenging way

    Progress and grow mentally as per global standards

    Track their development progress

    Opportunity to provide gift of education to the needy children

    Personalized appreciation

    Chance to choose the beneficiary

    A detailed report card of the beneficiary sponsored